Life from a different perspective.

2020, the year that was mind-blowing on too many levels to grasp. Virus, lockdowns, economic and political upheaval everywhere you look. As we reflect on the new year, the light at the end of the tunnel is blurry and often difficult to see.

2021 heralds the dawn of Aquarius, a time of upheaval and great change from what we have known. It promises worldwide realignment with things that really mean something to us as a collective human race. Personally, I will try to maintain a positive outlook, in hope that the majority can bring this calmer, kinder world into being.

While keeping up to date with world events and daily news, I have learned quickly, to filter the sensationalism and misinformation. My solace in creativity buffers me from times of long isolation, conflict and mankind’s cruelty and hatred, all of which weigh heavily on this empath.
I have also come to terms with the fact that not everyone sees the world as I see it. My expectations of myself are high and perhaps I have expected the same of others. Moving forward into this new year, I move with no expectation of anything or anyone and am simply content to take each day as it comes.

Our path to recovery will be long and often stalled, but the pragmatist in me knows that this too shall pass. Things may never be the same again, but in many instances this may not be such a bad thing. Our world needs to be a little slower, kinder and we, as a human race, more conscious of the impact of word and deed.

Planet Earth is crying out for change before it is too late and we need to answer her call.

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