With another turn around the globe, we find ourselves here again.
Frustration, anger and loss of focus have been my companions of late. A loner by nature, I have never felt lost in solitude, however, even I am beginning to struggle without human company so long.
In an attempt to protect my mental health, I have controlled the small part of my world that I can, limiting social media, with its triggers and banality.
For much of the 200+ days of isolation, I have found solace in my work. Being able to slip into an alternate world for a few hours a day, has certainly been a bonus. Some days, however, even the joy of creating loses its sparkle.
I feel the frustration in my neighbour's voice as she struggles to homeschool 3 kids while trying to work from home; the weariness of the worker behind the checkout, smiling and keeping us well fed;
the fear and fatigue of frontline workers can’t escape the horrors wrought by this virus.
I also see the kindness of homemade cookies, a card of friendship from afar, a voucher to feed the mind or a shared photo of a happy child. These are the things that keep me going and look forward to what I hope will be better days.
Each day I am amazed at the incredible efforts and selflessness that I see in communities pulling together, caring for those who can’t do it for themselves. These small acts of kindness remind me, much of the world still cares.
On the flip side, I am also incredibly angry to see such levels of self interest, selfishness and total lack of disregard for fellow human beings. Sadly, the human condition, and those who need to hear this message will probably never read. The human condition, those who rise and take up the fight, and those who focus on their own frivolous needs and to hell with anyone else.
As life’s journey goes on, my eyes see so much more. I need to live right now, as tomorrow is not promised.
I have no room for selfishness or lack of empathy, the world needs major healing. My small contribution of colour and light comes with love and care for whoever needs its balm.
It has been a tough road but there is light in the bursting spring flowers, warm sunlight and perhaps some release for us all.